Oct. 21, 2019

They Come In Threes and They Bring The Heat In Threes: M³, Sen-Sei and Elsaphan Njora Drop The In Three's EP

Now, we know that these Nairobi streets are anything but short of talent, especially when it comes to the Too Early For Birds cast. Just as we are reeling from the awesomeness that was the Tom Mboya edition, two of the cast members and the incredibly talented producer, M³, have left us in awe once again when they dropped a new project some time last week. You're probably thinking it's a script or maybe even another play... already. But, take another whack at it because it's a freaking EP and a fire one while we are at it.

M³, Abu Sense or Sen-Sei and Elsaphan Njora have dropped the In Three's EP; an affirmation of the trio's talent. While Sens-ei's and Njora's talents as performers speak for themselves, we were pleasantly surprised with their lyricism and musical prowess. It felt as though the art came almost effortlessly to them, leaving us to wonder, is there anything these two can't do? And M³ is right up there with them. Sen-Sei once described him as the the Kenyan FKJ and 30 seconds into the EP you understand why. M³ brought some fire beats to the project providing Sen-Sei and Elsaphan Njora with the perfect canvas to create a masterpiece.

My favorite track on the EP is hands down No Formula. An upbeat number that dares you not to dance both literally and figuratively.

Hii ni story gani nataka kusema, man? Sina formula nataka tu msimame Viti shika moto, mshindwe kuzima, man Jaribu weka tako chini nishasema ngwe!

With two other tacks, Nipishe Njia and UFO, on the EP that bring a slightly different flavor but with just the same amount of heat, you will be left anxiously awaiting their next project. While I appreciate that they come in threes and so does their project, I need three more songs ASAP. Please and thank you!

Buy the album here