
April 30, 2019

JUS KIDDING PODCAST: Mookhwanja (Feat. Porgie Rosso)

On this week’s episode, @ThatGuyChaxy and @AyroshOfficial host the man who puts money in people’s pockets (@m.porgie) – co-founder Mookh Africa; as they discuss how Mookh came into existence, safe & secure online payments in Kenya, items Kenyans


April 30, 2019

Mookhwanja (Feat. Porgie Rosso)

On this week’s episode, @ThatGuyChaxy and @AyroshOfficial host the man who puts money in people’s pockets (@m.porgie) – co-founder Mookh Africa; as they discuss how Mookh came into existence


April 30, 2019

3 min read

Art & Its Connection to the Artist

I came across Joji when I fell down a Spotify-shaped rabbit hole some time ago. Mentally, I wasn’t at the best place so his music fit my mood perfectly. His lo-fi brand of melancholy was extremely soothing to my soul and I was going to do a feature b


April 30, 2019

8 min read

Beneath The Baobabs: Experience the festival magic of Kilifi New Year

It’s not every day you go to Kilifi. But when you do, you can’t stop talking about it. The Kenyan coastal destination has a sincere delectable charm. So when you watch the recap video of Kilifi New Year 2017/2018, you know you have to go back and fin